JetBrains launches 2024.1 with local AI code completion

JetBrains has released the 2024.1 updates for its IDEs with several major new features, headlined by full-line code autocompletion powered by local AI models.

The new full-line code completion functionality ensures code suggestions are processed entirely on the user's device, minimising latency and providing a seamless offline experience.

“We’ve developed models that run directly on your device, and the IDE verifies each suggestion,” explained Mikhail Kostyukov,...

Python skills ‘increasingly essential’ to dev teams venturing into advanced AI

Python’s status as the primary language for AI and machine learning projects, from its extensive data-handling capabilities to its flexibility and portability, is well-founded. Just how well-founded can be seen in new user data from Snowflake.

The cloud data provider reported that, year on year, use of Python grew 571% in Snowpark, Snowflake’s set of libraries which securely deploy and process non-SQL code. In other words, it will not be a surprise to see Python, Scala and...

GitHub’s code scanning autofix enters public beta

GitHub has announced that its code scanning autofix feature, powered by GitHub Copilot and CodeQL, is now available in public beta for all GitHub Advanced Security customers.

The autofix tool aims to remediate over two-thirds of vulnerabilities found during code scanning with minimal editing required by developers.

"Our vision for application security is an environment where found means fixed," said GitHub in a blog post. "By prioritising the developer experience in...

NVIDIA employs GenAI for rapid software vulnerability detection

NVIDIA has demonstrated how its generative AI technologies can help to quickly identify and mitigate common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) and other software security risks.

The NVIDIA NIM and NeMo Retriever microservices – along with the Morpheus accelerated AI framework – enable security analysts to detect and mitigate risks in a matter of seconds, a task that previously took hours or even days using traditional methods.

Traditional cybersecurity methods...

AI in game development grows despite concerns

A growing number of game development studios are embracing AI to streamline their processes, according to a new industry report from Unity.

The report finds that 62 percent of studios now utilise AI tools at some stage of development. The top use cases include improving character animations, code writing assistance, art and level generation, narrative design, and automated playtesting:

Credit: Unity

68 percent leverage AI specifically to accelerate prototyping. World...

Java remains backbone of enterprise applications

Java is set to remain the stable backbone of enterprise applications, according to a new report from Perforce Software.

The 2024 Java Developer Productivity Report is based on a survey of 440 respondents across 72 countries. Among the key findings, 60 percent of respondents said their companies plan to add Java developers in the coming year, while 42 percent plan to increase their Java development tool budgets.

"These investments in tools and talent are testament to...

Google experiments with AI-generated ‘App Highlights’ in Play Store

Google's quest for integrating AI across its products and services continues as the tech giant is now turning to using it for enhancing the Play Store experience. According to reports, Google is experimenting with using AI to generate information for the App Highlights section in the Play Store.

An update shared on social media by code sleuth @AssembleDebug has revealed that when users tap on an app in the Play Store, they may now see information about the app's features and...

GitHub invites open-source AI developers to apply for Accelerator

GitHub has announced applications are now open for the next cohort of its Accelerator program, which provides funding, mentoring, and other benefits for early-stage open-source projects. There is a particular focus this year on developers building AI solutions.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until 5 March 2024. Ten projects will be selected to participate in the 10-week program beginning 22 April 2024.

The 2024 GitHub Accelerator cohort focuses on the...

Meta explains how it boosted AI development efficiency

Meta's AI engineers were increasingly frustrated with slow build times and inefficient distribution processes hindering their productivity. The company has now outlined the solutions its engineers devised to maximise efficiency.

The workflows of Meta’s machine learning engineers consist of iteratively checking-out code, writing new algorithms, building models, packaging the output, and testing in Meta's remote execution environment. As ML models and the codebases behind Meta's...

Brave Search now answers coding queries

Brave Search has integrated a new AI feature called CodeLLM designed to provide high-quality answers to coding-related queries. 

CodeLLM summarises potential solutions located across the web and generates step-by-step explanations to common coding problems. It aims to save developers time by delivering concise and actionable responses without having to sift through dozens of search results.

The AI is powered by a large language model called Mixtral which can generate...