NVIDIA employs GenAI for rapid software vulnerability detection

NVIDIA has demonstrated how its generative AI technologies can help to quickly identify and mitigate common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) and other software security risks.

The NVIDIA NIM and NeMo Retriever microservices – along with the Morpheus accelerated AI framework – enable security analysts to detect and mitigate risks in a matter of seconds, a task that previously took hours or even days using traditional methods.

Traditional cybersecurity methods...

Play Store set to integrate AI-generated FAQs

Google looks to be gearing up to incorporate even more of its AI capabilities into the Play Store.

TheSpAndroid, in its deep dive into the Play Store's 38.4.12 version, stumbled upon strings hinting at a new AI feature that involves generating Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for developers’ apps.

The discovered strings indicate Google's intentions to introduce AI-generated FAQ sections on the details page of "Apps & Games." One notable string from the APK...

Xbox and Inworld AI forge game-changing alliance

Xbox has unveiled a partnership with Inworld AI aimed at transforming game development using AI-powered tools.

In a blog post, Haiyan Zhang, General Manager of Gaming AI at Xbox, reflected on the evolution of gaming AI from the days of Ms Pac-Man to the present. Zhang highlighted the transformative potential of modern AI in creating living worlds, dynamic narratives, and intricate characters.

While traditional rule-based AI set the foundation, the integration of Large...

SAP empowers developers with generative AI capabilities

During its TechEd event, SAP made a series of announcements aimed at empowering developers with generative AI capabilities.

Juergen Mueller, CTO and member of the Executive Board of SAP, stressed the importance of adapting to the evolving technology and business environment.

"Today’s dynamic landscape demands every developer to be an AI developer," Mueller affirmed. "The innovations we’re launching at SAP TechEd provide developers with the resources they need to...

Docker and partners launch GenAI Stack for developers

During the day two DockerCon keynote, Docker – in collaboration with partners Neo4j, LangChain, and Ollama – introduced the GenAI Stack.

This innovative platform is meticulously designed to empower developers to kickstart their generative AI applications within minutes, eliminating the complexities associated with integrating diverse technologies.

The GenAI Stack offers a seamless solution by providing pre-configured, ready-to-code, and secure components. These...

Niantic 8th Wall enhances WebAR with powerful GenAI modules

Niantic 8th Wall is enhancing its WebAR platform with generative AI (GenAI) modules to revolutionise augmented reality experiences.

The fusion of technologies promises to offer developers, brands, and agencies more creative potential and improve users’ augmented reality experiences.

Over the past few months, 8th Wall developers have harnessed the power of GenAI, integrating various cutting-edge GenAI technologies into the WebAR platform.

Current integrations...