White House urges adoption of memory-safe programming languages

The White House Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) has released a new report today urging the technology industry to take steps to reduce vulnerabilities in software that leave digital systems open to cyberattacks.

The report, titled "Back to the Building Blocks: A Path Toward Secure and Measurable Software," emphasises the importance of technology manufacturers adopting memory-safe programming languages to prevent entire classes of vulnerabilities from entering the...

Google wants to increase government collaboration to secure open-source

Google says that it wants to increase government collaboration to help secure open-source after participating in a White House summit.

On Thursday, Google participated in the White House Open Source Software Security Summit with the aim of building on its “work with the Administration to strengthen America’s collective cybersecurity through critical areas like open-source software.”

The past year has been particularly bad for open-source security problems, with...