Evinced, a provider of web and mobile accessibility solutions, saw its customer base triple in 2023 on the back of new prevention-focused tools like Unit Tester and Design Assistant. These innovations allow developers and designers to automatically catch accessibility issues long before release, marking a shift for the industry toward prevention versus post-hoc fixes.
The company’s impressive expansion has cemented its status as a top accessibility vendor, counting 6 of the 10 largest US and UK financial firms alongside major media, SaaS, retail, and other elite customers among its partners.
Evinced’s tools integrate directly into existing developer and design workflows, reducing friction for incorporating accessibility best practices. Unit Tester enables developers to bake WCAG 2.2 AA checks right into component unit tests, delivering compatibility feedback for screen readers, voice control, and keyboard-only usage without ever leaving the dev environment.
This promises to eliminate a major pain point, as the critical accessibility issues blocking access for the 2.5 billion assistive tech users have historically been both the most important and time-consuming to validate.
Legacy testing approaches address less than 21 percent of relevant screen reader and keyboard problems. Unit Tester checks compatibility automatically, meaning components passing its assessments can deliver nearly complete accessibility for these user groups.
On the design side, Design Assistant validates difficult issues like screen reader support within Figma. It also auto-generates development and testing guidelines for each design, greatly easing handoff.
“The corporate world’s accessibility approach has basically been to find and fix issues late, but technology can now prevent problems early without disrupting teams,” said Navin Thadani, CEO of Evinced.
“Our growth shows the industry embracing more proactive accessibility, which will unlock the web for underserved populations.”
With digital accessibility legislation and lawsuits accelerating globally, developers should take note of Evinced’s emphasis on weaving inclusion directly into existing workflows. Unit Tester and Design Assistant exemplify tools that make web accessibility a natural part of building digital products rather than an afterthought.
Expect prevention and testing automation to be ongoing themes as organisations aim to efficiently address inclusion at scale.
(Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash)
See also: OpenText unveils next-gen cybersecurity auditing technology

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