Omniverse Code helps developers to build 3D design and simulation tools

Nvidia has announced Omniverse Code, a new app to make it easier for developers to build advanced tools for 3D design and simulation.

The app includes the Omniverse Kit SDK runtime along with foundational tools, templates, and documentation. Developers won’t have to build from scratch with hundreds of Omniverse Extensions available to edit, modify, or integrate into their own extensions or applications.

Interactive documentation helps users to experience features like...

Grammarly’s new SDK wants to improve your users’ writing skills

Grammarly has released a new SDK that aims to improve the writing standard of your app’s users.

A good standard of writing can be the difference between getting a job, making a sale, or retaining a customer. The Text Editor SDK released today is the next step in Grammarly’s mission “to improve lives by improving communication”.

The SDK provides everything developers need to deliver easy-to-use, real-time writing assistance across four main categories: correctness...

App Annie reveals the most popular SDKs following iOS 14.5’s release

Mobile data and analytics experts App Annie have shared the most popular SDKs following the release of iOS 14.5.

iOS 14.5 delivered significant new protections for user privacy which have drastically limited access to user-level data. A report from Flurry Analytics earlier this month discovered that 96 percent of iOS 14.5 users in the US are blocking ad tracking.

As to be expected, App Annie found that Apple’s own SDKs lead by unique iOS installs globally—taking the...

Zoom’s Video SDK brings the pandemic’s definitive service to other apps

Few services have become more synonymous with the pandemic than Zoom, and now it’s coming to other apps with the launch of its Video SDK.

Zoom claims the SDK will enable developers to leverage the “scale-ready performance” of the communications platform to create new experiences for their users.

Zeus Kerravala, Principal Analyst at ZK Research, commented:

“Video usage is at an all-time high. The next wave of video-based experiences will be driven by...

Google Cardboard goes open-source as VR SDK development halts

Google has open-sourced its Cardboard project as Mountain View winds down its mobile VR ambitions. Cardboard was an impressive project which showed expensive hardware was not necessary for VR apps, but that it certainly helps. In a blog post, Google wrote:

“From a giveaway at Google I/O to more than 15 million units worldwide, Cardboard has played an important role in introducing people to VR through experiences like YouTube and Expeditions.

TikTok releases SDK to help developers tap into the viral phenomenon

Viral hit app TikTok has released an SDK enabling third-party app developers to create and share to the short video service. “The new TikTok SDK allows third-party apps an opportunity to extend their reach while giving users a wider selection of creative tools to help their videos match their vision. We’re excited to extend our creative offerings with our new developer program,” the company said in a blog post. TikTok is owned by China’s ByteDance and has gone from...

Samsung releases a blockchain SDK for smartphone dApps

Samsung continues to put its weight behind blockchain technology with the release of an SDK for building dApps. DApps – as in ‘Decentralised Applications,’ not the British dialect for rubber-soled shoes – promise to function without a middleman and are beyond the control of any single entity. A decentralised Twitter, for example, would be resistant to censorship and once messages are published they could not even be erased by the creator of the app. As of writing, there are currently...

‘Android Game SDK’ is a joint project between Google and Unity

Google is partnering with Unity on a dedicated ‘Android Game SDK’ project with the goal of improving game development efficiency. Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world, so it’s little surprise many game developers want to put their work in front of its audience. Google is more than happy to oblige and continues to find ways to invest in Android game development. The project itself is based on the Android NDK and implements the Vulkan cross-platform graphics...

Square launches customisable In-App Payments SDK

Payments solution provider Square has launched a new SDK enabling developers to easily integrate support for in-app payments. With minimal coding, the SDK promises to enable accepting and storing credit card details for checkout purposes. Support for Google Pay and Apple Pay is even included for added convenience. Carl Perry, Developer Lead at Square, said:

“With the introduction of in-app mobile payments to the Square platform, developers now have a complete,...